(plan) Hiking Alone on Lofoten Islands

I imagine this as the ultimate hiking trip, too lazy for a through hike across a continent and not well enough to climb a mountain so I use the Lofoten to pretend I do a great hike.

I've been hiking in Scotland, Wales and England before so I though this one will be as difficult as any of the hikes and more. The routes are steeper, slippier and wetter. The weather windier, rainier, colder and more unpredictable, what can go wrong? I suppose the gear I pack for this trip is particularly important if I want to come alive on the other side of it. I know, a bit dramatic.

Obsessing over the weather forecast for the last two months.

Do I pick up a stove? Do I want to sip on a steaming brew while waiting for the aurora forecast to come true or do I want the lightest pack possible?


Hiking Alone on Lofoten Islands


solo sea kayaking Loch Torridon